fbpx What Should I Do After Breaking Up With a Friend?
Authored by Dr. Michelle Murray on February 14, 2023

Dear Dr. Michelle

I have had to break up with my best friend. She was not able to listen to my feelings about things in the friendship. She also stopped spending time with me like we used to and would never tell me why. I feel sad and hurt and am in a deep depression I am struggling to get out of. I blame myself. I will still have to see her on occasion. How can I get out of this deep depression and deal with times I may have to see her?


Dear Suzanne

Dr. Michelle K. Murray sits down with Marketing Manager Tera Girardin to answer your question via video! Dr. Michelle advises you to spend some more time grieving by identifying what you are grieving most: the breakup or the loss of your friendship. She also recommends to refrain from talking bad about your ex-friend to reduce drama.  See Dr. Michelle's full response below:

Dear Dr. Michelle blog posts are informational in nature.  The posts are not meant to take the place of consulting your physician, mental health professional, or other qualified health providers regarding your well-being or the well-being of others.

Dr. Michelle Murray