fbpx Walden Crossing
We create space where kids can heal, grow, and actualize their potential.
Our Approach to Treatment

Nexus residential programs are designed to keep families engaged throughout the treatment process—and to ensure wrap-around support is needed during this difficult time. While we’re helping youth build skills and stability in their lives, we’ll also help the rest of the family deal with the impact of trauma and mental health issues.

Learn more about Nexus Residential Treatment.

Our Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility

Outside of Walden Crossing

Nexus Family Healing’s Walden Crossing, provides individualized, trauma-informed Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) services for youth ages 10-17 with mental and developmental disabilities who have become involved in the justice system.

This location offers secure placement and clinical services during this pause in the youth’s life when the court has ordered it.  Our professional, expert staff offer assessments, and a healing environment for the youth while the large legal and justice issues are being sorted through and restorative services are being provided.  Youth experience on-campus education, individualized programming and therapy and recreational opportunities.

Walden Crossing is a welcoming safe space for up to six youth, each having their own bedroom and ample space for therapeutic, educational, daily living and recreation activities daily.  The youth we serve are at a crossroads where the path forward is often uncertain.  This can be an emotionally stressful time, but it can also be a time for reflection, learning and skill building for whatever comes next for the youth.   

The services, planning and treatment course we provide is highly individualized and based on the needs and abilities of each youth.  Nexus Family Healing staff will also be working with families to create strong planning upon discharge and provide support to those plans.  

As a secure PRTF location, Walden Crossing has high staff to youth ratios as well as 24/7 nursing, recreational and therapeutic professionals, psychiatric services, and an array of other types of therapies as indicated. We work together, as a team, to restore hope and reshape futures. 

Acceptance Process

All youth active in this PRTF program have been court-appointed by the state of Oregon.


Walden Crossing

Administrative Office

722 NE 162nd Ave
Portland, OR 97230
Phone: 971-415-6566
Fax: 971-239-5390

Walden Crossing - PRTF

881 NE 165th Ave
Portland, OR 97230
Phone: 971-415-6570