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An adult Black male crouching and holding hands with a young Black boy.

Starting Conversations: Men’s Mental Health

June is Men’s Mental Health Month, which provides an important opportunity to shine a light on a critical issue that often goes unaddressed in today’s world, the alarming global rate of suicide among men, underscoring the urgent need for increased awareness and support for men's mental health.
Mental Health Symptoms in Men and Women

Mental Health Symptoms in Men and Women

Men and women experience mental health illnesses differently. Use this chart to help identify and understand symptoms and behaviors you or someone you know may be experiencing.

Connections between Depression & Suicide

What is the correlation between depression and suicide, and when should you be concerned?

Additional Resources

Suicide Prevention For Young Adults

Luke Spiegelhoff, Clinical Director at Nexus-FACTS, joined KSTP's Minnesota Live to discuss suicide prevention for young adults as they move into adulthood.
Photo of a sad young adult female, holding her head in her hands

My Friend Died by Suicide. Is There Any Way I Could Get Through This Pain?

My friend committed suicide a week ago and I can’t stop blaming myself. Three weeks ago, he told me he wanted to commit suicide, but he was too scared. I did not think he would do it. He also wrote to me saying if we would meet, he might not want to kill himself. I keep reading those messages. I can’t get it out of my head. I am someone who suffers from depression and have been suicidal as well. I can’t do this anymore. Is there any way I could get through this pain? Are there any other realities other than depression? I’ve lost all hope.
Photo of a man holding up a huge boulder as it starts to roll down a hill

The Overcomer: A Personal Story of Perseverance

Depression. An unceasing battle I had watched impact so many of those around me, but never expected to face myself. We all know the saying, “when it rains it pours,” and let me tell you, life REALLY can pour when it wants to. A year ago, I chose to seek out help and in doing so I saved my life.
Picture of a Black person's hands scrolling a tablet to read an article

Our Top 5 Blogs from 2021

Our readers had a lot on their minds last year, from supporting loved ones to staying positive through the ongoing pandemic. Many of our blogs focused on self-care and gratitude, a topic that is as relevant as ever for parents and caregivers and our world’s increasingly burnt-out workforce.
Older woman looking out onto a lake pensively

Managing Depression

Depression is treatable and you can feel better. Try to take one small step towards feeling better today. Here are some ways to manage and improve symptoms and help those you care about, including yourself.
Older man sitting on a couch reading a book

Handling the Holidays

As we enter into the busy season of the holidays, it is more important than ever to practice self-care. I often receive questions this time of year from individuals who are stressed or feeling depressed. My advice is to stay in tune with your feelings and focus on positive actions that support your mental health
Young woman struggling to maintain hygiene

Hygiene and Mental Health

Personal hygiene is a subject that is often not discussed on a daily basis. Typically, hygiene is overlooked as we often assume that everyone does things in similar ways or have similar levels of frequency. However, hygiene can often be the first sign of the start of mental health issues.

Suicide Prevention Tip: Direct and Indirect Warning Signs

There are direct and indirect warning signs when it comes to suicide.
Hopeless Mother

What Kind of Treatment Do You Recommend for Someone Who Has Depression, Panic, and Anxiety Issues?

My daughter is a 35-year-old, college graduate. She is very smart and intelligent. During her undergrad, she suffered from depression and it continues today. She has been treated by many psychiatrists doctors. First, she was diagnosed only with depression, then she was diagnosed with major depression, panic, and anxiety issues. Please advise me where to go from here? Is any treatment can help her? I am desperate to find some treatment for her.