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An adult Black male crouching and holding hands with a young Black boy.

Starting Conversations: Men’s Mental Health

June is Men’s Mental Health Month, which provides an important opportunity to shine a light on a critical issue that often goes unaddressed in today’s world, the alarming global rate of suicide among men, underscoring the urgent need for increased awareness and support for men's mental health.
Mental Health Symptoms in Men and Women

Mental Health Symptoms in Men and Women

Men and women experience mental health illnesses differently. Use this chart to help identify and understand symptoms and behaviors you or someone you know may be experiencing.
Family playing a game

4 Ways to Strengthen Family Mental Health

In the hustle of day-to-day life, taking care of our mental health can easily get lost in the shuffle. Family mental health is incredibly important, especially in times of high stress and change. Here are four ways to strengthen your family's mental health.

Additional Resources

Man looking at picture

I Feel Responsible for My Brother's Suicide

I lost my brother to suicide in October 2019 and it’s been so hard. I feel like I caused his suicide and failed to save him. I’m not sleeping, I don’t have any energy and I’m starting to have thoughts of suicide myself. Where do I go from here?
New Year Resolutions

Pandemic Resolutions and A French Press

As we enter into another period of uncertainty around the pandemic, take time to find gratitude for your triumphs and lets enter 2021 with hope and reasonable expectations of yourself and your family.

I Am Questioning My Own Importance

I’m starting to question my importance. I feel like I’ve lived my life without love and nobody, not even my family, sees me as an important being. How do I deal with this?
Touching hands through a window

The Pandemic

This pandemic has truly impacted everyone but in reality most of this is out of our control. The support of others during these times can really make a huge difference.
Depressed man holding his head in his hands

I Think I Am Depressed

Clinical depression is chronic and happens frequently, over a long period of time. Dr. Michelle K. Murray provides resources that will help provide you the support that you need.
Stormy Clouds

I Blame Myself for My Best Friend's Suicide

My friend hung himself 15 years ago and I still blame myself. Every day I feel like I’m just going through the motions and can’t seem to feel excited about anything.
Sad Adult

I'm Always Upset and Not Sure What To Do

I feel upset all of time. It has been like this for several years. Nothing seems to go right, and nothing makes me feel better. I don't know what to do.

Three Ways to Support Suicide Prevention

Every year, thousands of individuals die by suicide and these numbers continue to increase. We can all help to reverse this trend. Here are three simple ways to be a positive force.

The Elements of Wellbeing

We all share the same fundamental needs to wellbeing regardless of who we are. These five universal needs are equally important and interconnected and if one need is lacking or having a negative impact on another, our wellbeing is out of whack.