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Additional Resources

Picture of a man sitting on a couch with a worried look on his face.

If I Go to Therapy, Will My Therapist Judge Me?

I’m embarrassed to admit this but I’m nervous to see a therapist. I worry what they might be thinking about me! Will they think I’m the worst case ever? Can I really share everything? I'm scared to share my true thoughts and feelings because I think I’ll be judged.
Picture of someone sitting on the couch stressed with his head in his hands

How Do I Stop Blaming Myself for a Loved One’s Death?

I feel like I have caused two deaths - my sister who overdosed on heroin and my best friend who took his own life. For my sister, I just feel I could have been there for her more and been a better brother. With my friend, we went out drinking one night and both got very drunk. I dropped him off, he got in a physical fight with his girlfriend and then he took his life. I feel like I shouldn’t have invited my friend to drink and should have recognized the state he was in. How do I stop blaming myself?
Picture of a parent and a child sitting on swings, having a conversation.

Conversation Starter Pack: “Are We Ready to Be a Foster Family?”

If you have a family of your own and are inquiring to be a foster family, conversations with your partner and children are crucial. Below are some of the topics our foster parents discussed with their families and children before deciding to start their foster care journey.  
Picture of a woman scrolling through her phone with a worried look on her face

How Can I Stop the Constant Worry and Just Enjoy My Life?

I can't stop worrying. Little things, big things, everything! How can I stop the constant worry and just enjoy my life?
Picture of a foster family sitting down eating dinner together.

A Beginner's Guide to Foster Care

Foster care is a term many families use with pride, providing support and guidance for many children and teens in our communities. Fostering is the opportunity to encourage growth, healing, and healthy relationships in hopes families will reach their full potential. As common as the term “care” is, it can be hard to achieve for many families.
Picture of a father helping his daughter with homework.

My Daughter Is Failing Her Classes – How Can We Help Change Her Behavior?

My 7th grade daughter has failing grades in several classes. This has been a problem for several years. We have taken her phone away many times, and while that does persuade her to complete her homework, it does not last, and the bad grades continue. It’s a constant battle. What can we do to help her manage herself and change this behavior for good?
Picture of a teenager foster child adjusting to his new living arrangement.

Tips for the First Day as a Foster Family

As foster parents, the worries arise as they are preparing a room for the new child they received a brief description of. They ask themselves: how do we ensure they feel supported; what resources will they need on days like this; how can we ease the stress they might feel; how do we create a welcoming environment and create a positive transition? 
A Mother Who Is Worn Out

My Family Is Struggling

My family has been struggling as my husband lost his job due to COVID, my daughter has been acting out, and I feel like I am going to lose it. We have never been to family therapy, but do you think it would help?
Onamia Conversation Officer Dan Starr teaches youth tips on ice fishing

A Story of Perseverance

Spending time in nature can reduce stress and anxiety and elevate your mood. Our staff at Nexus-Mille Lacs Family Healing will often organize activities and events outdoors to provide positive experiences for our youth struggling with mental health issues. On a frigid cold day in March, our staff organized an exclusive event just for our youth— the opportunity to participate in their first-ever fishing derby!