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Teenage girl with glasses smiling

First to Attend College

Rachel came to Nexus-Indian Oaks Family Healing for residential treatment to address the significant trauma she’d experienced in her young life. After a few months, we discovered that Rachel needed a pair of eyeglasses as well as clothing and a backpack to bring her belongings to and from our onsite school.
A young girl smiling

A Place to Call Home

Before arriving at Nexus-Gerard Family Healing, several foster homes tried to help Sally but they were not equipped with the right tools and resources to keep her safe. She needed more.
Depressed Man

My Partner Is Depressed

My husband and I have been married for 30 years and have raised 3 children. In fact, our youngest son just moved out this past year. We have lived a wonderful life and feel blessed. Throughout the years, my husband would go through times where he seemed depressed and was down and out, but this would only last about week or so and then he would snap out of it. Now he just seems depressed all of the time. He has a hard time getting out of bed, he is not motivated, and it seems like nothing makes him happy. This has been going on now for more than 8 months. I don’t know what to do to help and I am a bit at my wits end. Help!!
Picture of Grandma and Grandson

My Grandmother Passed Away from COVID

My grandmother died two months ago from COVID. She was 78 years old and diabetic. Whenever people learn that she died from COVID, they ask me if she had other medical problems. The fact is, had she not caught COVID, she would still be alive today. I was very close to my grandmother and am having a very difficult time coming to terms with her death. I feel so much anger when people ask me if she had other health problems, I just want to scream at them. It feels like they are not taking her death seriously, like it was her fault that she died of COVID because she had diabetes. How can I respond to people so that they understand, because not only am I getting angry, I am finding myself becoming more and more isolated?
Adulting helping a child

What is Trauma-Informed Care?

Trauma-informed care is a growingly common buzzword in the health, education, and social services industries as we learn more about how past experiences can impact a person’s brain development and life functioning throughout their lives. The goal of trauma-informed care is to help an individual move past their trauma with interventions that work for their brain, allowing for lifelong success managing their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Group of Friends

The Girls in My Friend Group Are Sad

I am 14 years old and my close group of friends includes both boys and girls. It seems like the girls in our group are sad and down a lot while us boys don’t seem to worry about stuff too much. I am just wondering if there is a reason for this and what I can do to support the girls?
Let it go

Four Steps to Letting Go

2020 was a year like no other that challenged our mental health, our mindset, and overall well-being. As we move into the next year, it’s important to reset our minds and take the time to look back at 2020 and think about the happy times, joys, struggles, and challenges, and how we reacted and overcame them. Take a look at how the Four Steps to Letting Go can help you find a new mindset.