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An adult Black male crouching and holding hands with a young Black boy.

Starting Conversations: Men’s Mental Health

June is Men’s Mental Health Month, which provides an important opportunity to shine a light on a critical issue that often goes unaddressed in today’s world, the alarming global rate of suicide among men, underscoring the urgent need for increased awareness and support for men's mental health.
Mental Health Symptoms in Men and Women

Mental Health Symptoms in Men and Women

Men and women experience mental health illnesses differently. Use this chart to help identify and understand symptoms and behaviors you or someone you know may be experiencing.
Family playing a game

4 Ways to Strengthen Family Mental Health

In the hustle of day-to-day life, taking care of our mental health can easily get lost in the shuffle. Family mental health is incredibly important, especially in times of high stress and change. Here are four ways to strengthen your family's mental health.

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A picture of someone sitting on steps outside.

Reframing Substance Use Disorder

With the passing of May as Mental Health Awareness Month, it is the perfect time to appreciate the tremendous gains we’ve made in understanding, accepting, and managing mental health issues. No longer viewed as character flaws or weaknesses, mental illness has steadily moved from the shadows of shame and doubt into a routine practice of chronic illness management. In keeping with this theme, we must recognize a lingering hurdle in the quest for effective mental health services. Substance use disorder (SUD), often referred to as “addiction,” remains poorly understood, harshly judged, and seriously undertreated.
Picture of a man sitting on a couch with a worried look on his face.

If I Go to Therapy, Will My Therapist Judge Me?

I’m embarrassed to admit this but I’m nervous to see a therapist. I worry what they might be thinking about me! Will they think I’m the worst case ever? Can I really share everything? I'm scared to share my true thoughts and feelings because I think I’ll be judged.
Picture of someone sitting on the couch stressed with his head in his hands

How Do I Stop Blaming Myself for a Loved One’s Death?

I feel like I have caused two deaths - my sister who overdosed on heroin and my best friend who took his own life. For my sister, I just feel I could have been there for her more and been a better brother. With my friend, we went out drinking one night and both got very drunk. I dropped him off, he got in a physical fight with his girlfriend and then he took his life. I feel like I shouldn’t have invited my friend to drink and should have recognized the state he was in. How do I stop blaming myself?
Picture of a woman scrolling through her phone with a worried look on her face

How Can I Stop the Constant Worry and Just Enjoy My Life?

I can't stop worrying. Little things, big things, everything! How can I stop the constant worry and just enjoy my life?
Picture of a teenage boy playing video games.

How Do I Boost My Adult Son's Motivation?

Help! I have a 22 year-old son who lives at home and plays video games all day. He has no motivation to get a job or go to school, and I can't tell if he is being lazy, or something more. It's like he's afraid or he doesn't know what to do with his life, so he does nothing. Friends of his from high school have seemed to move on, found jobs, or started living their life. I thought that might motivate him, but it hasn't. How do I help him find his motivation and get off of the computer?
Picture of a man sitting at his desk, holding his head out of frustration with his co-worker sitting in the background.

How Do I Communicate With a Sensitive Co-Worker?

I work with someone who is very sensitive and I always feel like I'm walking on eggshells because I don't know what will set her off. When I ask questions or suggest doing things in a different way, she gets very defensive. It makes working on projects together difficult. How do I navigate this?
Picture of someone's legs standing in a room with their cleaning supplies, ready to start cleaning.

Decluttering vs. Your Emotions

Decluttering is not just a physical process, it is emotional. Decluttering can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! Here are a few ways that help process your emotions as you declutter.
Picture of a woman holding a wine glass contemplating taking a drink of wine.

Is It OK to Resume Drinking if You Have a History of Alcohol Abuse?

My wife has consumed alcohol throughout her adult life without having any problems. Three years ago we went through some life changes and became really depressed. Her drinking began to increase to the point that she ended up having significant liver damage. Since that event, she stopped drinking entirely. We would like to enjoy a nice drink on special occasions. We both don’t believe that she is an alcoholic, so we don’t think there would be any harm in her having an occasional drink. Would be safe for her to resume given that she has not had a single drink in the last three years?
Picture of people holding their phones, displaying potential electronic clutter.

Decluttering Your Tech Can Declutter Your Mind

Spring is the epitome of a fresh start. We often spend time decluttering our spaces as we prepare our homes for warmer weather. What if we took this same mentality to freshen up our technology spaces that may also be drab and holding us back?