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Daily Reflection

Daily Reflection

Use this sheet to check in on yourself and reflect on the things that support your mental health and well-being each day.
Mindful Breathing with Bubbles screenshot

Mindful Breathing with Bubbles

Taking a moment to focus on your breath can help reduce anxiety and improve your mindset. One great way to practice mindful breathing and slowing down your breath is through blowing bubbles. Try this exercise!
Gratitude Activity Sheet

Gratitude Activity Sheet

A list of activities to get you and your family started on naming what you are thankful for. You can get as creative as you want with these or keep it simple.

Additional Resources

teenage girl acting out

The “Why” Behind Your Child’s Behaviors

When you see or experience a child or teen acting out, what is often your first thought? For most, that first reactionary thought is not one of empathy nor is it thinking about the deeper meaning behind the behavior. If you take a step back and search to understand why a child may be having a certain “undesirable” attitude or outburst, it can solve the problem in a faster, friendlier, and less stressful way.
Picture of a mom supporting their stressed daughter.

Where Do I Get Help for My Daughter’s Mental Health?

Can you recommend a particular type of hospital that can help my daughter? She has a long history of experiencing emotional trauma including having two stillborn children. She seemed to shift from PTSD to Schizophrenia, but she refuses help. I cannot deal with this any longer; I am feeling tired and drained and I need to get her the help she needs to get over her trauma.
A child with an anxious mind.

How To Help My Child’s Anxiety

It feels like the last three years have seen an uptick in anxiety, especially for children. This time has been scary for adults, let alone developing children who are just beginning to learn and explore the world outside of their home. With all these recent stressors, how can we help keep kids feeling safe and secure in today’s world?  

Suicide Prevention For Young Adults

Luke Spiegelhoff, Clinical Director at Nexus-FACTS, joined KSTP's Minnesota Live to discuss suicide prevention for young adults as they move into adulthood.
A child arriving at school.

Back to School: Bubbling Excitement or Anxiety Provoking?

As parents, caregivers, or guardians, the aspect of going back to school is often exciting. While this can be exciting for students, too, anxiety often rears its ugly head. There are simple things parents, caregivers, and/or guardians can do to minimize the anxiety students feel about going back to school.
Father talking to teen son

My Teenage Son Doesn’t Want to Take Care of Himself. Is This Normal for Teens?

My teen has no motivation to take care of himself - I have to remind him to shower. He sleeps all the time, and he has gained a lot of weight. How do I know if this is typical teen behavior or something more?
Reading Together

5 Resources You Should Check Out From Our Library

With over 200 articles, videos, blogs, and tools in our resource library, here are five resources you should check out today.
Mother and daughter organizing the family calendar

How You Can Manage Stress in Your Daily Life

As we try to navigate the events of the past year, it is no wonder we are all experiencing added stress in our lives. Managing stress takes work, but if done regularly, you will feel like the stress coming in your life is more manageable. The goal is not to eliminate stress, but to deal with it more effectively through small shifts in your thinking, actions, and behaviors.
Self-Reflection Summer Worksheet

Self-Reflection Summer Worksheet

Use this sheet as a self-check to track your day-to-day well-being habits.