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An adult Black male crouching and holding hands with a young Black boy.

Starting Conversations: Men’s Mental Health

June is Men’s Mental Health Month, which provides an important opportunity to shine a light on a critical issue that often goes unaddressed in today’s world, the alarming global rate of suicide among men, underscoring the urgent need for increased awareness and support for men's mental health.
Mental Health Symptoms in Men and Women

Mental Health Symptoms in Men and Women

Men and women experience mental health illnesses differently. Use this chart to help identify and understand symptoms and behaviors you or someone you know may be experiencing.
Family playing a game

4 Ways to Strengthen Family Mental Health

In the hustle of day-to-day life, taking care of our mental health can easily get lost in the shuffle. Family mental health is incredibly important, especially in times of high stress and change. Here are four ways to strengthen your family's mental health.

Additional Resources

Older woman looking out onto a lake pensively

Managing Depression

Depression is treatable and you can feel better. Try to take one small step towards feeling better today. Here are some ways to manage and improve symptoms and help those you care about, including yourself.

Setting New Year's Resolutions With Your Family

Our President and CEO Dr. Michelle K. Murray joined KSTP's Minnesota Live to talk about how families can keep it simple in the new year by setting small, specific, and intentional goals.
Woman who is anxious

How Can I Overcome My Social Anxiety?

I’ve always been a little nervous around people, but I’m 37 years old and I feel like I should have grown out of this problem. When I need to introduce myself or speak in a group, I get anxious, and my face turns bright red. I don’t understand it. It’s not rational and it really bugs me. What can I do?
Biracial woman looking out window

Walking Through the Stages of Grief

Grief isn’t just about death – it is a loss of relationships, activities, traditions, routines, and ways of life. As you think about how your life has changed over the past 22 months, there is no doubt in my mind that you have witnessed or experienced a loss that you can grieve. While our losses may look and feel different, I encourage you to walk through the stages of grief, so that you can experience the relief and appreciation that acceptance can bring.
Man working from home

How Can I Feel Connected With My Co-Workers When I Work Remote?

I started a new job 18 months ago. Our team works remotely and that’s new for me. In the past, I’ve always gone into an office. I am really struggling to build relationships with my co-workers without having that in-person interaction. Since I started, I have felt disconnected and it’s bothering me. I have never felt that way about my work or my coworkers. What do I do to make this better?
Women reading book in bed

Getting Good at Feeling

Are the holidays bringing emotional “gifts” to you like they are to me? Feeling responsible for others’ happiness? Trying to create a perfect holiday? Let’s see if we can unwrap some of those gifts and let them move through us, perhaps off into the ether. We might find that some of them aren’t ours to keep after all.
Women sad missing the holidays

How Do I Handle Not Being Able To Make It Home for the Holidays?

The holidays are really tough for me. I live far away from my family and this will be the second year in a row I am not able to make it back to see them. I can feel myself starting to push away from my family just to protect myself from feeling left out. I’m sad and I seem to cry at the drop of a hat. What do I do?
Relaxing and drinking hot chocolate in bed

Gifting Self-Care Never Goes Out of Style

The holidays tend to get people in the spirit of giving. You might be preparing a list of gifts to give, scheduling time to host or attend dinner parties, or arranging travel itineraries to see your loved ones. It is common to go out of your way during the holiday season to show family, loved ones, friends, and co-workers that you care about them. Gift giving and holiday festivities should be fun and joyful. But if you feel yourself getting overly stressed, take a step back and prioritize the most meaningful pieces of your holiday — one of those being your own wellbeing.
Women stressed about the holidays

How Do I Better Manage My Time Around the Holidays?

With the holidays coming up I tend to run myself thin. I do it every year! I end up with a packed calendar and I tend to go overboard with everything because I want the holidays to be special for everyone. At the same time my husband's workload picks up so I end up doing more around the house and more with the kids. I can already feel the anxiety and exhaustion coming. How do I better manage all of this?