September is Suicide Prevention Month, and we are focusing on mental health readiness for young adults. Ensuring they are equipped with mental health resources is one of the best ways to prevent a crisis down the road.
Knowing where to find support, what to do if yourself or a friend may be struggling with mental health, and having accessible information and guidance can make a world of difference. Below are resources for parents and their young adults to help with their mental health readiness as they begin to live independently.
When you are feeling stressed or anxious, it can be hard to remember what techniques work for you. Creating a plan when you’re calm ensures you are ready when mental health challenges arise. Print and fill out this resource to create your mental health readiness plan.
Download DIY Mental Health Readiness PDF
Sending your college student back to school? Send them a care package that boosts mental health! Check out our shopping list for ideas.
Do you ever struggle finding activities to clear your mind or cheer yourself up? Download or print these activity ideas for reference when you are looking to change your mindset.