fbpx All Are Welcome
Authored by Kate Borman on October 23, 2020

As you drive into the Nexus-Gerard Family Healing campus, there are six flagpoles that line the lawn. Until recently, only one of these flagpoles was being used.

Cameron*, a new transgender youth admitted to Nexus-Gerard, noticed these empty flagpoles upon arrival to campus. After some thinking, Cameron had an idea­ — what if two of these empty flagpoles had a pride flag and a transgender flag to welcome LBGTQ+ youth and visitors?

Bringing the Idea to Life

Cameron  brought this idea to the clinical supervisor of the dorm. The clinical supervisor then set up a meeting to propose the idea to the management team. In the meeting, Cameron talked about how scary it can be to come to a new facility and not know if you are going to be safe to be who you are. A visual display of the pride and transgender flags as you enter the campus would not only welcome newcomers, but would also send a strong message that LGBTQ+ visitors are welcome and safe at Nexus-Gerard.

All Are Welcome Here

The Nexus-Gerard management team thought this was a great idea and approved Cameron’s request. They included Cameron in every stage of the process, from ideation to ordering the flags. On September 3, 2020, staff and youth gathered around the flagpoles as Cameron helped raise these two new flags to fly high. Now these flags serve as a symbol to all, that you are welcome and accepted at Nexus-Gerard Family Healing.

*Name changed to protect identity.