Frank* and Roxanne* are a blended family with 6 adult children between them. They live on a farm with many animals - horses, chickens, peacocks, cats, dogs, a donkey and a steer.
They decided to be foster parents after receiving a cup from Nexus-PATH and using it as a conversation starter over morning coffee. Like most major decisions go, they found themselves attempting to talk themselves out of it, then back in. But in the end, they thought if they can help one child's life be better, it was worth it. Maybe they should just give it a shot. At least they know they tried.
Life on the Farm
Today, Frank and Roxanne are licensed as Regular Foster Care providers and they go above and beyond to provide the best care for their foster kids. The kids learn great life skills working with the animals on the farm, like safety and responsibility. And, they have Frank and Roxanne's incredible support and understanding when it comes to the impact childhood trauma has had on their foster kids.
Just Do It
If asked for their advice based on their experience, Frank and Roxanne would say, "You should consider trying it. It's the right thing to do. Our experience with PATH tells us you won't be on your own".
*Names and some details have been changed to protect privacy.