fbpx Going the Extra Mile
Authored by Nexus Family Healing on March 26, 2021

On chilly Thursday morning in December, Jonathan*, a youth at Nexus-Mille Lacs, excitedly shared a new discovery a blueberry cruller pastry!  He had never had one before that day and could not believe what he had been missing!

Nature Is Healing

On most Thursday mornings, Nexus-Mille Lacs staff member Brad W. would take youth on a long hike. This provided an opportunity for the young men to clear their heads by enjoying the nature around them while getting some exercise. On their way back to campus, they would make an always-anticipated pit-stop at the local Casey’s convenience store where Brad would reward the youth with a pastry treat. It was surprising that some of the youth had never had a pastry and how excited they were to be treated in this way.

Sometimes it is the little things that our staff do that go above and beyond to create these wonderful new memories and experiences for our youth. Brad recently retired from Nexus-Mille Lacs after 20+ years of service. We are grateful that he dedicated his career to making an positive impact on the hundreds of youth he served!

*Name and some details have been changed to protect privacy.