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Authored by Nexus Family Healing on March 6, 2025

When Denver Ritz-Vorwald relocated to Austin, Minnesota, for his role at Hormel Foods, he felt something was missing. Previously, he had led a nonprofit youth leadership institute in Des Moines, Iowa, which contracted with over 30 public and private high schools. Denver has a deep passion for mentoring and nurturing untapped potential, particularly among teenagers. Eager to continue this work in some form, he was introduced to Nexus-Gerard Family Healing by Deanna Brady, a member of the Nexus-Gerard Advisory Board and Executive Vice President of Retail at Hormel Foods. For over two years now, Denver has volunteered weekly (or more) on campus, becoming a dedicated volunteer for the Nexus-Gerard youth and a treasured asset to the team.

Committing to weekly volunteering is a significant responsibility that Denver embraces wholeheartedly. When asked what motivates him to return each week, he shared, “I walk into my guys’ dorm, and I’m always greeted with ‘It's Denver!’ and hugs. I come for the youth.” Denver says he volunteers weekly to connect with them so the youth can feel seen. “I want to be a person who consistently shows up for them. To be their encourager, the listener, the mentor, or just a positive energy in their sights. It is also healing for me.” Denver reflects on his own lived trauma and says, “I’m a survivor. When I can share my story, I become more authentic; they can see parts of themselves in my story and where I am today, and it often inspires hope.” Denver can show up authentically with the male youth by volunteering to build meaningful connections. Denver also recognizes his time volunteering helps our Nexus-Gerard team by being an extra hand in the dorms to help provide a little extra breathing room. 

“Those hugs and smiles are my paycheck. I can find a special moment every day when I am there. To think of the 65 youths I have interacted with to date, I can speak in detail about a moment with each.” Denver reflects on how he has created strong bonds with some of the youth, so much so that some have asked him to be a part of their birthday, graduation, referral on a resume, or have requested one last one-on-one lunch or dinner. He has folded notes, gifts, and drawings framed in his home office from some young men who have completed treatment. “No one knows the story behind these framed items, but I do. Every child is one caring adult away from being a success story, and I’m a part of a team that invests in that commitment every day.”

Denver not only holds a special place in the lives of the youth, but he is also a part of a group at Hormel Foods that organizes a delicious luncheon and puts together “swag bags” for the staff of Nexus-Gerard during the holiday season. Acknowledged for their challenging yet vital work is incredibly meaningful to the Nexus-Gerard team. Denver’s kindness does not stop there; he is also the first one through the door to assist in the delivery of holiday gifts purchased by him and his fellow Hormel Foods team members for the kids during the holidays. Some children are brought to tears at the sight of all the gifts and knowing that people care about them and want them to have a memorable holiday season.

Denver is incredibly valuable to the Nexus-Gerard team, and his presence significantly impacts the lives of the youth. Denver says it best: “Our work is like a pebble thrown into a pond. I recognize that, in reality, it’s more like a boulder, but the ripple effects from our efforts are healing individuals and families, guiding them on a path to achieve their dreams and passions. I believe the stories that emerge after Nexus-Gerard have the greatest impact.”

Denver’s consistent presence and engagement creates a lasting impact on the lives he touches - so much so that the youth and staff recently honored him with an award for his unwavering commitment.

Denver’s consistent presence and engagement creates a lasting impact on the lives he touches
- so much so that the youth and staff recently honored him with an award for his unwavering