A Bright Future Ahead
Elyssa is a proud parent of five-year-old twin boys. While in preschool last year, Elyssa and the boys’ teachers noticed that their social play was a little “off” and that they were not participating in groups or playing with the other children. The preschool referred Elyssa to Nexus-FACTS where a diagnostic assessment was completed, and the children received a preliminary diagnosis of Autism.Read More

Learning Trust
Charlotte, 5 years old, started her kindergarten year of school extremely dysregulated. Charlotte was referred to Nexus-PATH’s School Case Management where her case manager worked with her and her parents to build relationships and identify what she needed to be successful.Read More

Learning to Self-Advocate
In late 2018, Julia was referred to the Healthy Transitions program at Nexus-Kindred by Douglas County. Julie was almost 18 and determined, anxious, and unsure of where to begin.Read More

Leading with Trauma-Informed Care
Many youths come into Nexus-Woodbourne Family Healing’s Residential Treatment program with a unique set of needs and unsafe behaviors. Our staff work diligently to provide not only daily living needs, but to also provide daily trauma-informed care and treatment interventions designed to address the underlying issue(s) causing their unsafe behaviors.Read More

A Story of Perseverance
Spending time in nature can reduce stress and anxiety and elevate your mood. Our staff at Nexus-Mille Lacs Family Healing will often organize activities and events outdoors to provide positive experiences for our youth struggling with mental health issues. On a frigid cold day in March, our staff organized an exclusive event just for our youth— the opportunity to participate in their first-ever fishing derby!Read More

A Cry For Help
Sara is young and afraid. At just 15 years old she struggles daily with mental illness, and her nights are filled with faceless, headless monsters in the form of hallucinations. Sara’s family had exhausted all resources available in their small Minnesota town and were running out of options. On one bad night, they found the Southeast Regional Crisis Center (SERCC).Read More

Providing Wraparound Services
Aria was a young teenager when her son Jory was born. Although she had the support of her parents, she was overwhelmed and needed additional support. Aria began working with a Nexus-PATH School Case Manager, Deena, and services were wrapped around the entire family.Read More

Supporting an Entire Family
Third grader Jacob was having enormous struggles in school. When feeling overwhelmed, he would shut down and not talk or make eye contact with others for many minutes. Adults would try to redirect Jacob and he would lash out aggressively, resulting Jacob receiving lessons in a self-contained classroom to keep him and others safe. Jacob was referred to Nexus-PATH’s School Targeted Case Management Services for help.Read More

Learning to Trust Again
Fourteen-year-old Darrin’s trauma occurred before he was old enough to remember what happened, but his body will never forget. With the help of his support team at Nexus-Gerard Family Healing, Darrin has been learning the skills to calm his body and mind when he finds himself in what he perceives to be a dangerous situation.Read More

Cherishing the Simple Things
A group of three high-spirited brothers, Joe (13), Jeremy (9), and Jared (7), had experienced significant neglect in their young lives due to their parents’ drug use. They were scared, distrusted other people, and sometimes behaved in reckless and aggressive ways because they never had the guidance to help them know how to cope with their emotions. Tim, a long-time Nexus-Kindred foster parent, knew he could make a difference in the lives of these boys.Read More