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resiliency camp kids

Raising a More Resilient Child

As a parent, one of the most important things you can do is to help your child learn to deal with the inevitable challenges that life brings. Children who can successfully manage the stressors that come into their life have lower rates of mental health issues, greater levels of happiness, and often have more success later in life.
A dad holding the shoulder of a male teenager while sitting on a couch.

What Teens Need: Parenting Both the Inner Child and the Emerging Young Adult in Your Teenager

Am I doing anything right? This question could easily be muttered by my teenagers or by me. Daily. Hourly. Parenting teenagers is no easy feat, especially parenting teens with traumatic backgrounds. Learning to parent your teenager's inner child while they emerge as a young adult can help you navigate this difficult stage.
Parent and teen driving in the car together

How to Have Genuine Conversations With Your Teen

Getting your teen to open up and participate in a genuine conversation can be difficult. So, how do you foster a genuine conversation based on truth, mutual respect, and understanding?

Additional Resources

A child sleeping.

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

We spend nearly a third of our lives sleeping. It may feel like a waste of time, but it may be helpful to think of sleep as an investment in your physical and emotional energy. Sleep gives your brain and body a chance to recover from the day and get ready for tomorrow. 

The Invisible Bully

Children live in a new age of technology. Communication is mostly done through texting, Facebook messaging, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. Cyberbullying can and does exist through each and every one of these platforms. With the Internet, sometimes it’s hard to tell who the source is, making it even harder to shut down the bullying.
angry teen

Teen Angst or Something More?

The teen years can be a challenge for both teens and parents. The moodiness that often accompanies teens' hormone changes, power struggles, school, and peer stress and emerging independence can be difficult to navigate.
Child Abuse Books Reading List

Child Abuse and Trauma Reading List

A list of books to help caregivers/parents and their child learn more about child abuse, trauma, and trauma-informed practices together.
Family Emergency Bag List

What to Pack in Your Family Emergency Bag

Prepare a family emergency bag with your children to reassure safety and protection in case of an emergency.
Emergency kit materials

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Your Family’s Mental and Physical Health

Natural and man-made disasters in recent news can cause stress, especially for children. As a parent, it’s important to remember that your reactions to these disasters can impact the way your child views the world around them. Remain calm, give yourself time to process and create a plan that works for your family.
Mental Health Books for Children

Mental Health Books for Children Recommendations

We asked our staff members which mental health books are their favorite for children. Our Mental Health Books for Children includes their recommendations as well as facts on how reading can positively impact your child’s mental health and overall development.
Boy with aggressive behavior

How Do We Help Our Son With His Aggressive Behavior?

My four-year old is developmentally delayed and has had some aggressive behaviors in the past. We've been told by professionals that he might be on the spectrum, but his current behavior is an abrupt departure from the past because it's very frequent and the sessions are longer too. Although we already did so, we plan on getting him tested again for bipolar personality disorder, and autism. We are in a crisis. What can we do?
Mother talking to her daughter

My Adult Daughter Came Out to Me as a Lesbian. What Do I Do?

My daughter is 22. She has graduated, got a job offer, and moved out of the house. Last week she called me and told me she is lesbian. She told me it is ok if I don’t accept her, and she will go away from the family. I really don’t know how to handle it. Please help me to accept this. Is it my fault?