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Engaging Children in Difficult Conversations

Engaging Children in Difficult Conversations

When done with real intent and thoughtfulness, talking about current events provides the opportunity to help children develop critical thinking skills, as well as provides the chance to educate and encourage appropriate action in terms of diversity, ending racism and supporting community.
An adult male/dad talking to you younger female child while holding her hand

Helping Youth Navigate Election Stress

As the school year is now in full swing, the typical stressors that come up for kids and every 4 years, a new challenge is occurring in lunchrooms, hallways and even on the playgrounds - the U.S. presidential election. We expect children are hearing all sorts of spirited opinions about this presidential race, leading to a new set of emotional stressors for our kids. So, how do we help our youth navigate this newly elevated issue and learn how to handle conversations that can become uncomfortable? 
Hope Notes for Back-to-School

Hope Notes for Back-to-School

With school in full swing, let your child know that you are thinking of them with our hope notes down below, which can be cut out and placed in their lunch box, backpack, book, or wherever you think seeing it will brighten their day!

Additional Resources

Parent spending quality time with their child

How Will I Ever Find the Time To Connect With Each of My Kids?!

Our youngest daughter was acting out at school, and she is usually our most angelic child, the one we rarely worry would misbehaving. Naturally, we were concerned for her and a bunch of questions and scenarios jumped to mind. And then it hit me… How would I know the answer to any of these questions if I can’t even remember the last time I had concentrated one-on-one time with her?
Two women smiling and embracing with the exchange of a bouquet of flowers

The Season of Giving

This holiday season is often called the “season of giving” where we focus on sharing physical gifts, our time, and the spirit of care and compassion. While the act of giving is exciting for many people, and actually boasts physical and mental benefits, it can also be a huge source of stress. How do we get into the mindset of giving without letting stress take over? 
A dad holding the shoulder of a male teenager while sitting on a couch.

What Teens Need: Parenting Both the Inner Child and the Emerging Young Adult in Your Teenager

Am I doing anything right? This question could easily be muttered by my teenagers or by me. Daily. Hourly. Parenting teenagers is no easy feat, especially parenting teens with traumatic backgrounds. Learning to parent your teenager's inner child while they emerge as a young adult can help you navigate this difficult stage.
Young girl with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a yellow plaid sweater is holding onto parents leg, expressing anxiety. Parent is wearing yellow sweater and blue jeans,

Helping Your Anxious Child

Anxiety can be the most overwhelming feeling as it causes us to imagine the different things that could happen if what we fear comes true. In parenting, your job with an anxious child is to help them through the experience and not avoid it.
Graphic featuring a screenshot of the Crisis Curve PDF

Crisis Curve Info Sheet

This one-pager outlines the early stages of escalation. Download this PDF to help you interrupt the process, flatten the curve, and respond effectively before it's a crisis.

Hard Conversations with Teens

Talking about our own feelings, and in particular suicide, can be uncomfortable and overwhelming. Learn how to engage teens in a valuable, yet difficult conversation.
A child sleeping.

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

We spend nearly a third of our lives sleeping. It may feel like a waste of time, but it may be helpful to think of sleep as an investment in your physical and emotional energy. Sleep gives your brain and body a chance to recover from the day and get ready for tomorrow. 

The Invisible Bully

Children live in a new age of technology. Communication is mostly done through texting, Facebook messaging, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. Cyberbullying can and does exist through each and every one of these platforms. With the Internet, sometimes it’s hard to tell who the source is, making it even harder to shut down the bullying.
angry teen

Teen Angst or Something More?

The teen years can be a challenge for both teens and parents. The moodiness that often accompanies teens' hormone changes, power struggles, school, and peer stress and emerging independence can be difficult to navigate.