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Melissa with her two sons

Making Mental Health Care Accessible for Children

Nexus-Gerard provides outpatient and community mental health treatment services in southern Minnesota, including in Austin Public Schools. Read how Melissa's sons have been able to receive accessible mental health services right inside their school.

Childhood Trauma Is Not Just a Mental Health Problem

Exposure to continuous trauma causes the body’s alarm system to be easily triggered, releasing stress hormones that interfere with reasoning and activate that flight, fight, or freeze response. Children cannot learn or get along with friends or family members when living in a constant state of fight, flight or freeze. Rather, their goal is to survive.
Young woman sitting outside next to a tree with her head in her hand, looking depressed.

It’s Spring – So Why Aren’t You Happy?

Over the past several years humanity has learned how to become resilient in isolation. Many of our face-to-face interactions and relationships were severed during COVID and as a result, we have developed long-term habitual loneliness. So how do we recover? To state it simply, a first step is "do then feel".
Family Emergency Bag List

What to Pack in Your Family Emergency Bag

Prepare a family emergency bag with your children to reassure safety and protection in case of an emergency.
Emergency kit materials

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Your Family’s Mental and Physical Health

Natural and man-made disasters in recent news can cause stress, especially for children. As a parent, it’s important to remember that your reactions to these disasters can impact the way your child views the world around them. Remain calm, give yourself time to process and create a plan that works for your family.

What Is Self-Harm?

Luke Spiegelhoff, Clinical Director Specialist, shares information on the types of self-harm, warning signs, differences between self-harm and suicidal ideation, and how to help someone who struggles with self-harm.
Picture of a woman reaching her hand out to a butterfly

Spring Cleaning? Don't Forget Your Brain.

I love the idea of waves of fluid pulsing through my brain as I sleep, restoring and refreshing it. This image has led me to think of other things that can also refresh, restore, and clean out my brain—wondering about ways to “spring clean” my outlook and to release my grip on unneeded waste.
A white male with light brown hair, beard, and glasses lays on his stomach on a green couch reading on his cell phone.

The Best-of Dear Dr. Michelle

We started the Dear Dr. Michelle advice column at the height of COVID as an additional way to provide free, accessible help to those who may need it while navigating our new environment. As we transition back to pre-pandemic days, our Dear Dr. Michelle column is coming to a close. As a final hurrah, we wanted to share a list of our top ten most visited advice articles over the past two and half years.