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Young woman in a golden yellow sweater standing on a beach with her eyes closed and holding her right hand over her heart. Her curly hair is tussled in the wind.

Building Self-Esteem and Self-Love

In this month of love and romance, we often forget one of the most important kinds of love – loving yourself. We share some tips and tricks on how to help build your self-esteem and learn to love yourself.   
Mr Mittens, a black and white tuxedo cat, sitting on his cat tree at New Trails Group Home in Onamia, MN

The Cat Who Cares

Our Nexus Mille-Lacs New Trails Group Home in Onamia, MN, has added a new member to their home – of the fluffy variety. Mr. Mittens was a stray cat that staff and youth noticed hanging around, looking for food in the dumpster. The youth at New Trails started to leave out food and water for him, as well as attention. The staff at New Trails decided to make Mr. Mittens an official member of the house after witnessing him comfort a youth, who had gone outside to sit on the front steps.

Daily Affirmations

Practicing positive self-talk can be incredibly helpful in growing your self-esteem. Matthew Talmadge, Outpatient Services Clinical Supervisor at Nexus-Gerard Family Healing, narrates a few daily affirmations. Take a listen.
Two friends sitting on opposite side of a bench, facing away from each other and looking upset.

What Should I Do After Breaking Up With a Friend?

I have had to break up with my best friend. She was not able to listen to my feelings about things in the friendship. She also stopped spending time with me like we used to and would never tell me why. I feel sad and hurt and am in a deep depression I am struggling to get out of. I blame myself. I will still have to see her on occasion. How can I get out of this deep depression and deal with times I may have to see her?
A group of friends hanging out and taking a photo together

Making Friends as an Adult Can Be Tough: Here Are Some Tips to Help

Making new friends is hard, especially as an adult with the added layer of living in a new city. But finding those connections are so important for our mental health and well-being, as friendships help us find a sense of belonging, boost our happiness, and can help build our self-esteem. Here are a few tips on how to create new relationships in a new community. 
Mental Health Books for Children

Mental Health Books for Children

February is National Library Lover’s month, so we asked our staff members at our different agencies what mental health books are their favorite for children. See their recommendations below and learn a little bit about how reading can positively impact your child’s mental health and overall development! 
Mental Health Books for Children

Mental Health Books for Children Recommendations

We asked our staff members which mental health books are their favorite for children. Our Mental Health Books for Children includes their recommendations as well as facts on how reading can positively impact your child’s mental health and overall development.
Boy with aggressive behavior

How Do We Help Our Son With His Aggressive Behavior?

My four-year old is developmentally delayed and has had some aggressive behaviors in the past. We've been told by professionals that he might be on the spectrum, but his current behavior is an abrupt departure from the past because it's very frequent and the sessions are longer too. Although we already did so, we plan on getting him tested again for bipolar personality disorder, and autism. We are in a crisis. What can we do?
Driving Anxiety

Dealing With Driving Anxiety

While winter can make us want to hibernate and stay home, there are days when we still must get out, run errands, and travel. In the Midwest, that means being prepared to drive on snowy and icy roads. Despite many of us being used to driving in the winter, drivers can still feel anxiety, dread, or even full-on panic at the prospect of driving in such conditions – or just driving in general, no matter the weather. For many who’ve been in car accidents or with an anxiety disorder, those feelings of dread and panic can be exacerbated.