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A Black woman create a heart shape with her hands

How To Love Through Hard Times

If you or someone you know experiences painful memories this time of year, check out some of our blogs below to read different perspectives on relationships, learn ways to move past those difficult times, and learn how to continue to give and accept love from others. 
Picture of a parent and two kids playing with toys.

Making Time for Family Fun

Often the fun activities in life get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. When this happens, I encourage caregivers to take a few minutes to complete the following activity adapted from the “Together Facing the Challenge” curriculum.
Artwork of a woman on a ladder, looking out to the sun.

Fixed or Growth Mindset – Which Type of Family Are You?

A fixed mindset often focuses solely on the end result. A growth mindset focuses on the journey and the effort put in, and not on the end result itself. Neither of these are wrong nor bad, as encouraging your child is always a great thing to do. However, by parenting from a growth mindset, you instill the idea of resilience and learning to achieve goals. So, how can you move your family from a fixed to a growth mindset? 

Additional Resources

Women looking at phone

My Brother Went Two Years without Talking to Me

My older brother, who is 54, has a long history of mental health problems. This has led to a lot of family conflict over the years. He will come in and out of our lives and will accuse family members of things that make no sense. Issues don’t really get resolved because whenever we try to discuss the problems, everybody gets emotional and it seems like it makes things worse. My brother recently reached out to me after not speaking to me for two years and I don’t know if I should respond to him like nothing ever happened, ignore him, or confront him about his past behavior. We are beyond working out old history.
Picture of Grandma and Grandson

My Grandmother Passed Away from COVID

My grandmother died two months ago from COVID. She was 78 years old and diabetic. Whenever people learn that she died from COVID, they ask me if she had other medical problems. The fact is, had she not caught COVID, she would still be alive today. I was very close to my grandmother and am having a very difficult time coming to terms with her death. I feel so much anger when people ask me if she had other health problems, I just want to scream at them. It feels like they are not taking her death seriously, like it was her fault that she died of COVID because she had diabetes. How can I respond to people so that they understand, because not only am I getting angry, I am finding myself becoming more and more isolated?

My Husband Is Unwilling to Talk to Me about An Important Issue

How do I get through to my husband without everything ending up in a fight, or ugly words being exchanged? Is this issue indicative of a bigger problem in our relationship?

Missing that Holiday Feeling

The Holiday Season is upon us again, and for many, will likely be a season unlike any experienced before. COVID-19 has impacted 2020 in ways unthinkable. As you prepare for the holiday season, allow yourself time to acknowledge your feelings of grief and loss, and explore ways you can establish new traditions for you and your family.

Deciding to Visit Family Over the Holidays

I want to spend the holidays with my family, and I want my children to participate in my family traditions, but I am very nervous about COVID. Any advice about how to think through this situation?
Helping a neighbor

Caution: Being Charitable May Cause Side Effects

It’s that time of year where there is a great push for charitable donations but in reality charitable giving has decreased. Even the smallest gifts like waving to your neighbor, or paying for the person's food behind you can make a tremendous impact. It is true that in the act of being charitable, one always receives far more than one gives. Pass it on!
Two friends having a conversation

Maintaining Relationships through Respectful Conversations

Today's world comes with its fair share of challenges which can make it difficult to connect with one another. Active listening, processing out loud, and accepting things we cannot change are techniques we can use to help us communicate in respectful and productive ways.
Mother helping son with school

My Son Is Struggling with Online School

My son is in the 5th grade and I am really starting to worry about his school performance. Since online learning started, I’ve noticed he repeatedly misinterprets directions and isn’t passing his tests or completing assignments correctly.
Family discussions at the dinner table

Political Discussions with Your Family

My family is split when it comes to political views. With the holidays coming up, how do we have these discussions without ending up in a fight?