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A Black woman create a heart shape with her hands

How To Love Through Hard Times

If you or someone you know experiences painful memories this time of year, check out some of our blogs below to read different perspectives on relationships, learn ways to move past those difficult times, and learn how to continue to give and accept love from others. 
Picture of a parent and two kids playing with toys.

Making Time for Family Fun

Often the fun activities in life get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. When this happens, I encourage caregivers to take a few minutes to complete the following activity adapted from the “Together Facing the Challenge” curriculum.
Artwork of a woman on a ladder, looking out to the sun.

Fixed or Growth Mindset – Which Type of Family Are You?

A fixed mindset often focuses solely on the end result. A growth mindset focuses on the journey and the effort put in, and not on the end result itself. Neither of these are wrong nor bad, as encouraging your child is always a great thing to do. However, by parenting from a growth mindset, you instill the idea of resilience and learning to achieve goals. So, how can you move your family from a fixed to a growth mindset? 

Additional Resources

Mother talking to daughter

Lending Money to My Daughter

I loaned my daughter a significant amount of money because she lost her job but now she is back on feet and she has not made any attempt to pay me back.
I Am Afraid My Wife Is Having an Affair

I Am Afraid My Wife Is Having an Affair

My wife and I have become distance over the last several years. I am afraid that she is having an affair. How can I get her to talk to me and go to therapy?
Couple arguing in front of children.

My Girlfriend Wants Her Kids to Call Me Dad

My girlfriend and I just moved in together after dating for about 2 years. She has a 13-year-old son and a 10-year-old daughter who live with us full time. They are great kids and we get along really well, but my girlfriend is pressuring the kids to call me dad and I don’t think that’s a good idea. She also expects me to discipline them when she gets upset and I don’t think that’s my role. Am I wrong about this?
Baby Sleeping

Should Our Baby Sleep in Our Bed?

I am getting ready to have my first child and I want the baby to sleep with us in our bed. My husband says he does not care either way, but other family members and friends tell me this is a bad idea because it will cause my child to have future adjustment problems. Is this true?
Preparing kids for school

A New School Year: Expect the Unexpected

Figuring out how to safely reopen schools this fall is one of the most challenging decisions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
daughter leaving child

My Daughter Won't Leave Our Grandchild with Us

We have a grandchild that is 2 years old. We get together for family events and occasional family dinners, but my daughter will not let us babysit or allow our grandchild to spend the night. When we ask her why she just says that she is not ready. It really hurts our feelings and we are not sure what to do about this. How can you help?
school uncertainty

How Do We Manage the Uncertainty of the New School Year?

Our family and other parents in our circle are growing more and more concerned about the ongoing changes with the upcoming school year. Can you provide tips on managing the unknown, like dealing with a lack of set schedules and how to know the right amount of daily structure to provide our children? How do we make up for their lack of social interaction opportunities while keeping their screen time at a minimum?

Should We Tell Our Daughter She Is Adopted?

Our daughter was adopted and we don’t know if we should tell her. If we do tell her, we don’t know when to tell her.

It's Okay to Grieve for Traditions

There are many different ways we have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. One area of life that has drastically changed is how we celebrate or recognize meaningful life events. Special events like graduation, religious ceremonies, weddings, prom, anniversaries, baby showers, funerals, etc. are important rituals that mark the end of a developmental milestone while ushering in a different, future life stage. It is for this reason that it is quite normal for people to feel a great sense of loss and grief about having traditional ways of practicing significant rituals so disrupted, and in most cases, entirely cancelled.