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A Black woman create a heart shape with her hands

How To Love Through Hard Times

If you or someone you know experiences painful memories this time of year, check out some of our blogs below to read different perspectives on relationships, learn ways to move past those difficult times, and learn how to continue to give and accept love from others. 
Picture of a parent and two kids playing with toys.

Making Time for Family Fun

Often the fun activities in life get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. When this happens, I encourage caregivers to take a few minutes to complete the following activity adapted from the “Together Facing the Challenge” curriculum.
Artwork of a woman on a ladder, looking out to the sun.

Fixed or Growth Mindset – Which Type of Family Are You?

A fixed mindset often focuses solely on the end result. A growth mindset focuses on the journey and the effort put in, and not on the end result itself. Neither of these are wrong nor bad, as encouraging your child is always a great thing to do. However, by parenting from a growth mindset, you instill the idea of resilience and learning to achieve goals. So, how can you move your family from a fixed to a growth mindset? 

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Signs Your Mental Health May Be at Risk

During this time of uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, it is especially important to do your best to stay healthy—both physically and mentally. While you may be feeling extra stressed, anxious, or alone, take some time to step back and do a self-check of your mental health on a weekly or even daily basis.
bad news handling

How to Make Bad News Feel Better

Bad news can come in a variety of forms, from job loss, a relationship breakup, a surprising diagnosis, or even to the death of a loved one. Receiving bad news can affect your body and life in a multitude of ways, even triggering your fight or flight response. According to Medical News Today, “everyone responds to tension and trauma differently, but know that steps can be taken to tackle the mountain ahead, deal with the bad news, adopt coping mechanisms, and make the situation less traumatic,