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Picture of oxygen masks

Keeping Your Oxygen Mask On

One of the most important things I’ve learned as a mom to three sons is the oxygen mask metaphor. It’s second nature to put our children’s needs before our own. But that is a surefire path to burnout. Taking care of yourself so you have the resources (the oxygen) to be a healthy and effective parent is so important. 
Grandmother with her granddaughter

My Granddaughter Was Put Into Foster Care and I’m Concerned for Her Wellbeing. How Do We Get Her Back With Our Family?

My 3-year-old granddaughter lives with her mom across state lines. She has been taken away from her for a 2nd time and now my granddaughter lives with a foster family. We were her foster family the first time. We are trying to get her back with us because there is no reason for her to be with a strange family. What can we do to help get her back with our family?
Picture of a parent and two kids playing with toys.

Making Time for Family Fun

Often the fun activities in life get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. When this happens, I encourage caregivers to take a few minutes to complete the following activity adapted from the “Together Facing the Challenge” curriculum.
Father talking to teen son

My Teenage Son Doesn’t Want to Take Care of Himself. Is This Normal for Teens?

My teen has no motivation to take care of himself - I have to remind him to shower. He sleeps all the time, and he has gained a lot of weight. How do I know if this is typical teen behavior or something more?
Tory delivering hundreds of Summer Boredom kit items to Nexus-Kindred Family Healing.

An Opportunity to Give Back

Local Girl Scout Troop #17697 is unique group of young girls. Run by Tory Thelen-Woldstad for over two decades, this troop is for girls grades 6-12 who don’t have a troop, or who want to join but don’t have any Girl Scout experience. Read how Tory and her troop organized a summer drive as their community service project.
Parent and teen driving in the car together

How to Have Genuine Conversations With Your Teen

Getting your teen to open up and participate in a genuine conversation can be difficult. So, how do you foster a genuine conversation based on truth, mutual respect, and understanding?
Reading Together

5 Resources You Should Check Out From Our Library

With over 200 articles, videos, blogs, and tools in our resource library, here are five resources you should check out today.
Picture of someone sitting down, seemingly stressed, with her palm on her forehead.

The Amygdala Hijack

Over the years, I have noticed the increased worry, anxiousness, and what-if patterns among my loved ones when it comes to awaiting information from their healthcare provider. The reality is the degree of worrying we apply in our lives has never and will never impact the outcome—either for the better or worse.   
Recommended Books about Foster Care and Adoption with illustration of an adult and child reading a book on a flower

Recommended Books about Foster Care and Adoption

Recommended Books about Foster Care and Adoption featuring books, workbooks, and resources for younger children and older children.