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Picture of a teen daughter refusing to listen to her mother.

How Do I Enforce Rules With Our Kids If My Husband Doesn't Follow Them?

One of the rules with my children is no swearing. But my husband frequently curses which I feel sends mixed messages to our kids! How can I enforce the no swearing rule when it seems to be: do as I say, not as I do?
Picture of a father sitting down with his child to write goals down.

Goal Setting as a Family

Have you ever set a goal for yourself or a new intention, and quickly found that it was unsustainable? This happens all too often when we set goals that are just too broad, and this practice is not one we want to instill in our children. Yes, being the best parent you can be is a great end goal, but you need smaller, actionable steps to get you there – and those steps are what should become your goals. 
Picture of a woman sitting alone on the floor with her head down.

How Do I Ask My Family for More Information Regarding My Mom’s Health?

My mom is very sick. She has cancer and other serious medical conditions. She is still able to care for herself and is highly capable, but she and my dad are horrible about sharing information. I never really know what is going on with her medical condition. My sister can visit them more in person and tends to get more information about the situation, but my sister and I don’t get along and are not currently speaking. My mom has a serious procedure coming up and I really want to know more, but there is just no way I can talk to my sister. I am so upset with my sister for not keeping me in the loop and driving a wedge between us. What should I do to deal with this situation if talking to my sister is not an option?

Spring Cleaning For Your Mental Health

Luke Spiegelhoff, Clinical Director at Nexus-FACTS, joined KSTP's Minnesota Live to talk about the many benefits of cleaning for your mental health.

Spring Cleaning For Your Mental Health

Luke Spiegelhoff, Clinical Director at Nexus-FACTS Family Healing, joined KSTP's Minnesota Live to talk about the many benefits of cleaning for your mental health.
Picture of a man sitting at his desk, holding his head out of frustration with his co-worker sitting in the background.

How Do I Communicate With a Sensitive Co-Worker?

I work with someone who is very sensitive and I always feel like I'm walking on eggshells because I don't know what will set her off. When I ask questions or suggest doing things in a different way, she gets very defensive. It makes working on projects together difficult. How do I navigate this?
Picture of someone's legs standing in a room with their cleaning supplies, ready to start cleaning.

Decluttering vs. Your Emotions

Decluttering is not just a physical process, it is emotional. Decluttering can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! Here are a few ways that help process your emotions as you declutter.
Picture of a woman holding a wine glass contemplating taking a drink of wine.

Is It OK to Resume Drinking if You Have a History of Alcohol Abuse?

My wife has consumed alcohol throughout her adult life without having any problems. Three years ago we went through some life changes and became really depressed. Her drinking began to increase to the point that she ended up having significant liver damage. Since that event, she stopped drinking entirely. We would like to enjoy a nice drink on special occasions. We both don’t believe that she is an alcoholic, so we don’t think there would be any harm in her having an occasional drink. Would be safe for her to resume given that she has not had a single drink in the last three years?
Picture of people holding their phones, displaying potential electronic clutter.

Decluttering Your Tech Can Declutter Your Mind

Spring is the epitome of a fresh start. We often spend time decluttering our spaces as we prepare our homes for warmer weather. What if we took this same mentality to freshen up our technology spaces that may also be drab and holding us back?