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Best You in '22: Start Small

Our President and CEO Dr. Michelle K. Murray joined KSTP's Minnesota Live to talk about how families can keep it simple in the new year by setting small, specific, and intentional goals.
Biracial woman looking out window

Walking Through the Stages of Grief

Grief isn’t just about death – it is a loss of relationships, activities, traditions, routines, and ways of life. As you think about how your life has changed over the past 22 months, there is no doubt in my mind that you have witnessed or experienced a loss that you can grieve. While our losses may look and feel different, I encourage you to walk through the stages of grief, so that you can experience the relief and appreciation that acceptance can bring.
Man working from home

How Can I Feel Connected With My Co-Workers When I Work Remote?

I started a new job 18 months ago. Our team works remotely and that’s new for me. In the past, I’ve always gone into an office. I am really struggling to build relationships with my co-workers without having that in-person interaction. Since I started, I have felt disconnected and it’s bothering me. I have never felt that way about my work or my coworkers. What do I do to make this better?
Teenage boy looking out car window

Take Them for a Drive

To many, adolescent and teen boys are a mystery. They are trying to find their place in the pecking order of the world. They are defining manhood, “trying out” the different types of men they’ve seen in society, and how they want to be defined. So how do you communicate with adolescent boys? Take them for a drive.
Family conversation at the dinner table

How Do You Have Conversations About Finances With Your Family?

My siblings and I have good jobs and each of us can take care of ourselves. We all pay our bills, feed our families, and enjoy some extra pleasures. The issue is that I make more money than my parents and my two siblings and this can become awkward at times. Whenever I buy something a little more expensive for myself or others, they ask me how much it cost. Sometimes they insinuate or try to guess my income level to see if I will confirm or deny their suspicions. How do I handle these uncomfortable situations? I don’t want to tell them how much I pay for things, or my income, and I wish they wouldn’t ask.
Teenage boy smiling

Learning to Trust Again

Fourteen-year-old Darrin’s trauma occurred before he was old enough to remember what happened, but his body will never forget. With the help of his support team at Nexus-Gerard Family Healing, Darrin has been learning the skills to calm his body and mind when he finds himself in what he perceives to be a dangerous situation.
Women reading book in bed

Getting Good at Feeling

Are the holidays bringing emotional “gifts” to you like they are to me? Feeling responsible for others’ happiness? Trying to create a perfect holiday? Let’s see if we can unwrap some of those gifts and let them move through us, perhaps off into the ether. We might find that some of them aren’t ours to keep after all.
Women sad missing the holidays

How Do I Handle Not Being Able To Make It Home for the Holidays?

The holidays are really tough for me. I live far away from my family and this will be the second year in a row I am not able to make it back to see them. I can feel myself starting to push away from my family just to protect myself from feeling left out. I’m sad and I seem to cry at the drop of a hat. What do I do?
photo of three sibling brothers

Cherishing the Simple Things

A group of three high-spirited brothers, Joe (13), Jeremy (9), and Jared (7), had experienced significant neglect in their young lives due to their parents’ drug use. They were scared, distrusted other people, and sometimes behaved in reckless and aggressive ways because they never had the guidance to help them know how to cope with their emotions. Tim, a long-time Nexus-Kindred foster parent, knew he could make a difference in the lives of these boys.