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A Black woman create a heart shape with her hands

How To Love Through Hard Times

If you or someone you know experiences painful memories this time of year, check out some of our blogs below to read different perspectives on relationships, learn ways to move past those difficult times, and learn how to continue to give and accept love from others. 
Picture of a parent and two kids playing with toys.

Making Time for Family Fun

Often the fun activities in life get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. When this happens, I encourage caregivers to take a few minutes to complete the following activity adapted from the “Together Facing the Challenge” curriculum.
Artwork of a woman on a ladder, looking out to the sun.

Fixed or Growth Mindset – Which Type of Family Are You?

A fixed mindset often focuses solely on the end result. A growth mindset focuses on the journey and the effort put in, and not on the end result itself. Neither of these are wrong nor bad, as encouraging your child is always a great thing to do. However, by parenting from a growth mindset, you instill the idea of resilience and learning to achieve goals. So, how can you move your family from a fixed to a growth mindset? 

Additional Resources

A picture of someone standing away from their family, seemingly stressed.

How Do I Address Hard Conversations With My Family?

My family isn't good at talking about hard things. Anytime something sensitive comes up there is tension and they just gloss over it pretending everything is fine. I have something important to talk to them about, but I don't know how to bring it up. How do I start the conversation?
Picture of a mother frustrated as her toddler cries.

Should I Be Worried About My Child’s Development?

I have been having problems with my toddler.  He cries a lot and seems to be inconsolable. He is 2 and a half years old and is still not talking and he struggles to walk. He doesn’t engage very well when we play. When I take him to the doctor, she tells me to just give it time and doesn’t offer any other advice. Is this normal?
Picture of a parent sitting down and spending time with their child.

Nurturing Your Child in Today's Busy World

With so many things competing for our attention these days, it is more important than ever to be intentional about nurturing your child’s wellbeing. Wellbeing consists of healthy physical, mental, cognitive, and social-emotional health and there are many ways to support it. 
Picture of a wife seeming anxious, while her husband is in the background pleading to her.

My Husband Wants Me to Go to Therapy With Him, but I’m Scared. What Should I Do?

My husband has been seeing a therapist for a while. And now he wants me to attend his session with him. I’m scared to go because I know they’ve been talking about me and our relationship. It feels like I’ll be ganged up on since it’s his therapist. She will probably take his side on everything. Should I even go?
A parent comforting their teenager child.

Recognizing Depression and Anxiety in Kids

As a parent or caregiver, you anticipate and meet your child’s physical needs, such as hunger or tiredness, and are attuned to their mental and emotional needs. You can guess when your child feels sad, angry, anxious, or depressed. You can help identify why they are feeling this way. But how do you know when your child’s feelings won’t pass, and what meaningful actions can you take to help? 
Sisters standing back to back.

How Do I Navigate a Difficult Relationship With My Sisters?

I am a 33-year female struggling with my relationships with my two older sisters. To do this day my sisters continue to make up lies about me and spread them around to the family and/or on social media. ​​​​​​​How do I deal with my sisters going forward and should I have called the police after the physical event in the car?
Picture of a woman looking at her body in the mirror.

How Do I Help My Wife With Her Insecurities?

My wife complains about how she looks - her hair, her weight, her nose - all the time and I'm not sure how to respond. I think she's beautiful! And I tell her this, but it doesn't seem to sink in. I worry all this negative talk is harmful. And I'm tired of hearing it. I love her - what can I do to reassure her?
Picture of two people hugging

Reminder: Healing Isn't Linear

We fill up with sunshine when we see victory in our children’s lives, and the moment we start to let our shoulders drop in relaxation, another storm comes seemingly out of nowhere. But that does not mean healing isn’t happening. It means that it is layered and multifaceted and complex. It means that trauma goes deep, and so must healing.
friends online

My 13-Year-Old Says Making Friends Is Easier Online

My 13-year-old son (soon to be 14) is having a hard time maintaining friendships. As a result, he tells his dad and me that he is lonely and then moves to “online friends,” which are really people he doesn’t know. He says that when he goes online, he can be who he wants and can just tell them the good stuff. Any suggestions on how to cultivate friendships with kids he has actually met through baseball, school, etc.?