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Back-to-school tips with Luke Spiegelhoff

As the new school year begins some kids are very excited and others might start to get anxious. Luke Spiegelhoff, Nexus-FACTS Clinical Director, provides tips on how you can help your child cope with anxiety.

Back-to-school tips with Brad Franklin

As families prepare for the new school year, tune in with Head Principal Brad Franklin at Carl Ben Eielson Middle School for tips on how to help kids adjust!
Worried Mother

I Am Worried My Son and His Wife Are Physically Abusive With Each Other

I just moved to a new state and temporarily moved in with my son and daughter-in-law until I find an apartment. This has been a very difficult living situation because I am learning that they fight a lot. A recent incident occurred that really shook me up. My son and daughter-in-law were fighting and my son pushed her quite hard and she pushed him back. I was really worried about what would have happened if I had not been there and jumped in the middle. I am worried that they are being physically abusive with each other and that their children are observing this. What do I do? It has stressed me out so much that I am moving out earlier than I had planned.
Mother doing homework with son

Last Minute To-Do's Before Back-to-School

Summer vacation will soon be over and the new school year will begin. There are many ways to help get your family off to a great start in the new school year by scheduling doctor appointments early, creating a routine, getting organized, and building a partnership with your child's teacher.
Teacher Tips with little girl illustration

Mental Health in the Classroom

This guide provides talking points and tips for teachers who may have students struggling with their mental health in the classroom.
A girl in school looking at friends gossiping

Gossip From Other Parents Is Affecting My Daughter and Her Friends

My ten-year-old daughter hangs out with a group of girls whose parents I actually don’t care for. I think we just have different values in our family. With this parent group, there is a lot of gossiping, worrying about what others think or getting into their business, or talking down about other families. I am hearing the girls have the same kind of conversations and it is starting to worry me. What do I do as a parent? These are her friends.
Young girl holding up her worry buddy

Worry Buddies

These handy little helpers can remind your child they are not alone. Worry Buddies can go with your child anywhere they go, always there to help them cope and take on your child's worries so they can move forward.
Father taking son to school

5 Tips to Tackle the Back-to-School Season

Back-to-school season is always a time of nerves, adjustment, and -- let’s be honest -- straight chaos. It is a time of getting back into routine and preparing for the year ahead. Now, we find ourselves also trying to navigate what a (somewhat) post-pandemic world looks like in our schools. Check out these five tips to help families tackle back-to-school season with their children.
Depressed Teenage Boy

My Teen Is Dreading School and Gets Extremely Anxious in the Mornings

My teen is dreading school coming up and in the past gets extremely anxious in the morning. I don’t think he wants to go to school. I’ve tried to ask him what is wrong, and he says nothing, but I know something is wrong. He used to like going to school. How do I get to the bottom of this?