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Supporting Family Hands

One of Our Four Children Recently Went to a Treatment Facility

We are looking for help to address the trauma our family has gone through. We have four special needs kids and one recently went to a treatment facility. While she is in a place to heal, we want to find help for the rest of the family. In-home help would be best for our kids as they are all autistic and fetal alcohol syndrome, plus learning disabilities. We live in Missouri. Please help.
Man journaling

The Power of Your Words

The words you speak to yourself have the power to push you forward or tear you down. Positive affirmations can alter your internal self-talk and motivate you to change or take action. Affirmations can include quotes that inspire you, expressions of gratitude, or can directly relate to things your struggle with.

New Crisis Center Aims to Fill Gap

With facility expected to open in July, the Southeast Regional Crisis Center will provide immediate mental health services and support for residents of 10 counties in an effort to address growing needs and reduce pressure on regional inpatient system.
Man looking out window

As Things Return to Normal, I Find Myself Feeling Guarded and Hesitant

Things are returning to more of a normal state but I still find myself feeling on guard or hesitant to stand too close, hug a friend, and I noticed I’m not always on the same page on these feelings as my family and friends. How do I start feeling more comfortable?
Ali, Betsy, and Dane on a park bench as toddlers

Learning to Co-Regulate Emotions

Dena has three children – her seven-year old twins, Ali and Dane, and Betsy who is eight. When her children were younger, Dena and her husband struggled in their marriage. Her husband was in and out of jail and they argued a lot. Dena and her husband got a divorce and Dena needed to enroll her children into daycare. It was around this time that her children started to have lots of emotional and behavioral issues.
Man taking a breath in the park

Invitation to Exhale

As life resumes its previous shape, it’s no surprise that our re-entry is getting a lot of attention. Many of us got emotionally beat up as we were suddenly catapulted into our pandemic lives. I am getting a lot of messages to just exhale, yet I find I’m resisting them. Partially, I think it’s nervousness about what might be on the other side of letting go. When life has been so unpredictable, can we actually exhale, let go, and show our underbellies?
Mother trying to support daughter

I’m Having a Hard Time Accepting That My Daughter Is a Lesbian

My daughter came out to me a few months ago and told me that she is a lesbian. She is 16. I love her. I want to be open-minded and always try to say the right things to support her and show her I am there for her. Privately though, I’m having a harder time accepting this than I thought I would. I want to just get over these feelings and move on. Help.
Mother and daughter arguing about control

Navigating Power Struggles

Power struggles are not enjoyable – when two people or parties are competing for control or influence, it makes for a very uncomfortable and frustrating experience. The more we can self-regulate the better we will be at dealing with difficult situations. Check out four strategies that will help guide you to avoid power struggles.
Popsicle Stick Positivity Affirmations Activity

Popsicle Stick Positivity

Create your own affirmations with this easy, family-friendly activity.