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photo of an older couple with a younger boy

Becoming Forever "Grandparents"

Nick first entered foster care at the age of three. He spent some time in a county-level foster care but he needed a higher level of care than they could provide.
New Baby

We Have a New Baby on the Way and Don’t Know How To Prepare Our Daughter

I am pregnant, and the baby is due in June. We have a 3-year-old that is the center of our family’s universe and gets lots of attention. To put it frankly, she is quite spoiled with love and devotion by all, including her grandparents, aunts and uncles. I am worried the arrival of a new baby will affect her and wondering what I should do to prepare? We have not told her yet that the baby is coming. We are not trying to hide it from her, we just don’t think she will understand what it means.

Why Is Trauma-Informed Care Important?

Why is trauma-informed care important to you? Trauma has been shown to impact an individual’s brain development, subsequently altering emotional and cognitive development. In order to effectively engage with and treat clients who have experienced trauma of some kind, it’s important for us as providers to understand how trauma can change the way a person thinks, reacts, and operates.
Teenager on laptop

I Am Worried that My Son Spends Too Much Time Online

I am looking for advice on how to handle my 15-year-old son who is on his phone or computer all the time. He is a good student, he has friends, and he is a great kid that doesn’t get into trouble, so I’m not worried about any one thing in particular. From what I see and what he says, he is online with his friends playing games and watching YouTube videos. It just seems like he should not be on his computer as much as he is, am I right?
father and son creating a plan together

Transitioning to Adulthood

It can be challenging for youth and caregivers when the time comes to transition into adulthood and independence. The Child Welfare Information Gateway outlines key areas families can focus on during this transition.

Nexus-Woodbourne Family Healing Welcomes New Board Members

Nexus-Woodbourne Family Healing welcomes new board members who will assist in guiding the organization in the mission to strengthen families and stabilize mental health in the Baltimore and Maryland-Washington, DC area.

Nexus Family Healing Welcomes New Board Members

Nexus Family Healing welcomes new board members who will assist in guiding the organization in the mission to strengthen families and stabilize mental health.
Women looking at phone

My Brother Went Two Years without Talking to Me

My older brother, who is 54, has a long history of mental health problems. This has led to a lot of family conflict over the years. He will come in and out of our lives and will accuse family members of things that make no sense. Issues don’t really get resolved because whenever we try to discuss the problems, everybody gets emotional and it seems like it makes things worse. My brother recently reached out to me after not speaking to me for two years and I don’t know if I should respond to him like nothing ever happened, ignore him, or confront him about his past behavior. We are beyond working out old history.