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Additional Resources

picture of a sad person looking out a window

At Home Tips for Seasonal Depression

For those suffering from seasonal depression, or ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’ (SAD), the oncoming of fall and winter can negatively impact their lives more than just the inconveniences of cold weather, snow, and icy conditions. Here are some at-home solutions you can try.
Chays, Kim, and Jason at Chays Adoption

Finding Your Family

After raising their biological children, Kim and her husband Jason felt the timing was right to open their home to children within the foster care system, specifically teenagers. Kim wasn’t sure where to begin her foster care journey, so she and Jason decided to Google foster care in Minnesota, and that’s when they came across Nexus-Kindred.
Older couple embracing and walking with older adoptive kids behind them

A Million Acts of Love

Anna and Mark had always wanted to adopt. In 2019, they reached out to Nexus-Kindred Family Healing to become licensed foster parents and to open their hearts and home to a group of siblings.
Journaling at a coffee shop

A Grateful Mindset

Gratitude can reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and make us more resilient. It also fosters our relationships, even difficult ones. It floods your heart with warmth, changes the way you think, and allows you to let go of tensions. Focusing on gratitude will shift your perspective on life, and with practice, becomes a gratitude mindset.
A dad holding the shoulder of a male teenager while sitting on a couch.

What Teens Need: Parenting Both the Inner Child and the Emerging Young Adult in Your Teenager

Am I doing anything right? This question could easily be muttered by my teenagers or by me. Daily. Hourly. Parenting teenagers is no easy feat, especially parenting teens with traumatic backgrounds. Learning to parent your teenager's inner child while they emerge as a young adult can help you navigate this difficult stage.
Two dads hugging and holding a young girl

Adoption Necessities

Through the journey of knowledge, bravery, and strength, the child and adoptive family make a significant and meaningful impact on one another. The child and adoptive family allow for vulnerability in getting to know each other and open their hearts to begin a new chapter together.
Nexus-Woodbourne youth planting a trees in the community

Fostering Community Partnerships

Healing from trauma takes time - it is not linear and there isn’t a one-size-fits all solution. For youth at Nexus-Woodbourne Family Healing’s Residential Treatment Center, healing can start to feel overwhelming and repetitive with day-to-day therapy, classes, and other group activities. Nexus-Woodbourne employees are constantly looking for ways to enrich and enhance the youths’ healing process and lives.  
Young girl with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a yellow plaid sweater is holding onto parents leg, expressing anxiety. Parent is wearing yellow sweater and blue jeans,

Helping Your Anxious Child

Anxiety can be the most overwhelming feeling as it causes us to imagine the different things that could happen if what we fear comes true. In parenting, your job with an anxious child is to help them through the experience and not avoid it.
Picture of a foster parent with a teenager.

8 Reasons to Foster Teens

A common misconception of teenagers in foster care is they did something bad or wrong to end up there, but many teens end up in foster care at no fault of their own. Just like any other age group, teens in foster care want a secure, loving family. There are several benefits of becoming a foster parent that are unique to this age group.