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A Black woman create a heart shape with her hands

How To Love Through Hard Times

If you or someone you know experiences painful memories this time of year, check out some of our blogs below to read different perspectives on relationships, learn ways to move past those difficult times, and learn how to continue to give and accept love from others. 
Picture of a parent and two kids playing with toys.

Making Time for Family Fun

Often the fun activities in life get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. When this happens, I encourage caregivers to take a few minutes to complete the following activity adapted from the “Together Facing the Challenge” curriculum.
Artwork of a woman on a ladder, looking out to the sun.

Fixed or Growth Mindset – Which Type of Family Are You?

A fixed mindset often focuses solely on the end result. A growth mindset focuses on the journey and the effort put in, and not on the end result itself. Neither of these are wrong nor bad, as encouraging your child is always a great thing to do. However, by parenting from a growth mindset, you instill the idea of resilience and learning to achieve goals. So, how can you move your family from a fixed to a growth mindset? 

Additional Resources

5 Fab Ideas: Kids & Spring Cleaning

5 Fab Ideas: Kids & Spring Cleaning

Encourage your family to take part in spring cleaning while teaching them life skills to create space, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost their overall mood with these five activities.
Declutter Your Mind & Home Calendar

Declutter Your Home & Mind Calendar

Take your spring cleaning to a new level by making space in your physical environment and working on your mental wellness with our 31-day calendar.
teenage girl sitting crouched holding her knees with a sad look on her face

My Daughter Has Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). How Can I Best Support Her?

My daughter is a twenty-two-year-old bio engineering student. She is a hardworking girl, but she takes care of her hygiene poorly and her room is not walkable. Everything is on the floor. She gets mad when I talk to her about hygiene. A little background, my daughter has PCOS. I have spent a lot of money on laser hair removal, with not great results. When she was younger, she was bullied because of her condition and would come home crying. She does not want to go to a therapist. I’m not sure how to help her or what to do for her. 
An Unkempt Neighbor's yard with tall, dying grass

My Neighbor Doesn't Upkeep His Yard. What Can I Do?

My neighbor doesn't keep up his yard. In the winter, he never shovels the sidewalk and in the summer, it's the grass. I know it's not my business but it bothers me. Can I say something? How can I get over this when I have to look at it every day?
Two Black females in their twenties. One is upset and the other is comforting

How Can You Best Support a Grieving Friend?

In this week's Dear Dr. Michelle, we switch things up! Last fall, Jaelyn Arndt's father unexpectedly passed away. Dr. Michelle K. Murray asks Jaelyn how friends and family can best support a loved one who is grieving a loss.
Picture of a Black person's hands scrolling a tablet to read an article

Our Top 5 Blogs from 2021

Our readers had a lot on their minds last year, from supporting loved ones to staying positive through the ongoing pandemic. Many of our blogs focused on self-care and gratitude, a topic that is as relevant as ever for parents and caregivers and our world’s increasingly burnt-out workforce.

Setting New Year's Resolutions With Your Family

Our President and CEO Dr. Michelle K. Murray joined KSTP's Minnesota Live to talk about how families can keep it simple in the new year by setting small, specific, and intentional goals.
Teenage boy looking out car window

Take Them for a Drive

To many, adolescent and teen boys are a mystery. They are trying to find their place in the pecking order of the world. They are defining manhood, “trying out” the different types of men they’ve seen in society, and how they want to be defined. So how do you communicate with adolescent boys? Take them for a drive.
Family conversation at the dinner table

How Do You Have Conversations About Finances With Your Family?

My siblings and I have good jobs and each of us can take care of ourselves. We all pay our bills, feed our families, and enjoy some extra pleasures. The issue is that I make more money than my parents and my two siblings and this can become awkward at times. Whenever I buy something a little more expensive for myself or others, they ask me how much it cost. Sometimes they insinuate or try to guess my income level to see if I will confirm or deny their suspicions. How do I handle these uncomfortable situations? I don’t want to tell them how much I pay for things, or my income, and I wish they wouldn’t ask.