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Picture of people holding their phones, displaying potential electronic clutter.

Decluttering Your Tech Can Declutter Your Mind

Spring is the epitome of a fresh start. We often spend time decluttering our spaces as we prepare our homes for warmer weather. What if we took this same mentality to freshen up our technology spaces that may also be drab and holding us back?
luggage and various items found and stored inside a garage

Thaw Out Your Cleaning Skills in Time for Spring

As we near springtime, I believe it’s important we take inventory of our environment. My own mental health is affected by cleanliness. I wouldn’t go as far as calling myself a neat freak, but I really don’t like clutter. For five years, I have worked on de-cluttering my mind from self-sabotaging thoughts due to clinical depression and anxiety. It’s always a bit of a battle for me, but I know in the long run, that taking small steps each day to de-clutter my world is important. If you struggle in this area yourself, you are not alone.
woman standing in an office building looking out a large picture window at city skyscrapers

You Are the Boss of You

Recently, I was contacted by a frontline staff member and new mom who asked to hear more about my career journey and any tips I had to help her excel in her career. Early in my career, I did the same thing. I, too, was a little hesitant and am so grateful to that senior leader who gave me her time. Here are some steps I’ve learned over the years to help you take control of your future.
Photo of a woman meditating on a couch

Making “Me” Time

One of the biggest shocks as a new foster parent is the complete upheaval of routines. Enter: children who never had a routine, innocent kids whose lives were completely uprooted, living in different phases of trauma. Routine and structure are things of privilege, but finding a way to love yourself is essential. Adoptive/foster parent Cherie Johnson shares five steps she took to make sure she made time for herself.
Photo of a man holding up a huge boulder as it starts to roll down a hill

The Overcomer: A Personal Story of Perseverance

Depression. An unceasing battle I had watched impact so many of those around me, but never expected to face myself. We all know the saying, “when it rains it pours,” and let me tell you, life REALLY can pour when it wants to. A year ago, I chose to seek out help and in doing so I saved my life.
Photo of a man holding his head with illustrated squiggle lines coming from his head indicating a feeling of distraction and frustration

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Adults With ADHD

Approximately 2.5% of adults in the United States live with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD); it’s much more common than you may think. Many adults with ADHD suffer with symptoms for years without an official diagnosis. Why?
A foster mom reaching out and holding a young boy's hand

Take PRIDE in Foster Parenting

Foster parents have one of the most important jobs – helping and supporting youth who are in temporary need of adults to care for them. PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development, and Education) outlines five key competencies that all families build upon, and are great reminders and tools for both current foster parents or anyone considering becoming a licensed foster care provider.
Picture of an Asian woman caught in the shadow. Half of her body in standing in the light, half in the shadow.

Burnout and Your Shadow Mission; Staying Out of Your Shadow Mission

The mental health field has some of the most stressful work environments, with the highest turnaround rates reaching up to 37 percent for mental health workers. Staff experience burnout for all kinds of reasons – and sometimes without even realizing it. Knowing your mission and shadow mission can help you identify and navigate possible burnout. So what is a shadow mission?
Picture of a Black person's hands scrolling a tablet to read an article

Our Top 5 Blogs from 2021

Our readers had a lot on their minds last year, from supporting loved ones to staying positive through the ongoing pandemic. Many of our blogs focused on self-care and gratitude, a topic that is as relevant as ever for parents and caregivers and our world’s increasingly burnt-out workforce.
Older woman looking out onto a lake pensively

Managing Depression

Depression is treatable and you can feel better. Try to take one small step towards feeling better today. Here are some ways to manage and improve symptoms and help those you care about, including yourself.